Are We Sick Of Stressing About Stress Yet? (2024)

“Here are the exact five supplements I use to balance my cortisol levels,” says Ariana Medizade as she pours a dollop of neon orange goop onto a spoon. Ariana Medizade one of many wellness influencers on TikTok who are telling us we need to address cortisol. From cortisol face (puffiness 9.8 million posts) to cortisol belly (fat around your middle 77.7 million posts), cortisol has possibly become the first viral hormone. But is cortisol the health concern it’s cracked up to be?

@brainmdhealth Lower your cortisol levels with BrainMD. #AmazonSavingSpree #brainmd #petsmart #supplements #brainmdpartner #brainhealth #anxiety #stress #stressrelief #braintok🔥 #cortisol #cortisolimbalance #supplementsthatwork @thewellnesspharm ♬ original sound – BrainMD

What Is Cortisol (And Is It Bad For Us)?

Dr Melissa Riddle, a Sydney-based general practitioner, explains that cortisol is an essential hormone the adrenal gland produces. “It is critical to health,” she says. For example, Addison’s disease, where the body stops making cortisol, can be fatal if not treated. Meanwhile, women who lose blood during birth can also suffer if their adrenal glands stop receiving signals from the pituitary gland, prompting cortisol production. “They can fade away and die if this is left undiagnosed and need to supplement cortisol to survive,” says Riddle.

Cortisol, known as the stress hormone, activates during moments of duress. “Cortisol can be life-saving in stressful situations,” Riddle explains. However, TikTok focuses on elevated cortisol from daily stress. It suggests conditions like “cortisol face”, weight gain, acne, and hormonal imbalances can all be linked back to the hormone.

Riddle notes that everyday stressors like deadlines don’t raise cortisol levels significantly. “Chronic stress can affect hormone levels resulting in suspended periods,” she explains. “But this occurs in extreme situations like warzones, domestic violence, or anorexia.”

“Stress and associated high cortisol can also cause problems if someone has a serious underlying health condition, like cancer,” says Riddle. “But, for the average tired person, cortisol doesn’t fluctuate significantly enough to impact their health.” Additionally, serious consequences of high cortisol can be seen, but in a minority of people with conditions like Cushing’s syndrome, which can result in rounded features. This syndrome that are often the result of taking steroid medicines or unintentionally consuming cortisol through, ironically, herbal supplements. The condition is also associated hump on the back, wide purple stretch marks and bruises, not simple puffiness.

Are We Sick Of Stressing About Stress Yet? (1)

Why Are We All Trying To Reduce Our Cortisol Then?

Dr Riddle says that preoccupation with cortisol levels comes and goes in her experience in line with media coverage. “A bit less than a decade ago, a lot of my patients were coming in asking for their cortisol to be checked because ‘adrenal fatigue’ and ‘exhaustion’. It had something celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow talked about (prior to releasing a line of adrenal-correcting supplements). It then a diagnosis being made by naturopaths,” she says. When she checked their cortisol, an expensive test, it came back normal.

Dr. Rowan Burckhardt is a clinical psychologist and director of the Sydney Couples Counselling Center. He says stress is highly prevalent and affects most people, even those without diagnosed or chronic mental health conditions.

“Stress is a major psychological issue,” he notes. Post-pandemic, mental health has declined, with stress in ages 12-18 increasing for the first time in a century. This has led to more discussions about managing mental well-being and greater psychoeducation. “This can be positive,” Burckhardt says, “like leaving a stressful job for better mental health.” Stress is something we can’t completely get away from, as Burckhardt says, it’s embedded in modern life. It can also correlate with lifestyle factors. Skipping the gym because you’re stuck at your office, stress-eating lollies, drinking, and vaping are all “alternative stress management strategies” that can impact how we look and feel. They don’t have much to do with cortisol, but it’s nice to think their ramifications could be offset by special teas and chugging apple cider vinegar.

@mandanazarghami 3 natural ways to get rid of that cortisol face✨ #health #wellness #healthtips #cortisollevels #insulinresistance #creatorsearchinsights #bloating #glowuptips ♬ original sound – Mandana

The Dangers of Stress-Tok

Burkhardt says that restrictive eating and obsessive monitoring of wellness indicators with smart devices and supplements can have a dark side. “People can be obsessed with wellbeing and health to a detrimental degree. For example, if a person routinely skips dinner catch-ups with friends because they can’t miss a gym session or have very regimented rules around food, chances are they’re missing out on social connection.”

We’re also placing ourselves at risk of obsessive health behaviour that can tilt into disordered eating.

Anti-cortisol rhetoric is also inextricably linked to appearance. The hashtag is often accompanied by before-and-after photos of belly fat and rounded faces next to slimmed-down physiques and chiselled cheekbones.

In one post, a TikToker says, “You’re not ugly, you just have cortisol face; here are five ways you can help your insulin levels and support your health and wellness.” Setting aside the association between rounded features and “ugliness”, the influencer’s recommendations are unlikely to be helpful. The influencer who posts on the account @mandana suggests drinking one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with warm water, drinking two to three cups of green tea, and walking ten thousand steps a day. These recommendations have been made on social accounts promoting weight loss since the days of Tumblr and size 0 Victoria’s Secret models.

Since the pandemic, a period of mass illness, there has been a well-documented rise in eating disorders. One of the conditions that has received attention is orthorexia. This eating disorder is triggered by an obsessive preoccupation with health rather than a specific desire to lose weight. Researchers have continually found a high focus on physical activity and nutrition with orthorexic thought patterns.

We’re Focusing On The Wrong Things When It Comes to Chronic Stress

@liv.ingwell HIGH CORTISOL / fight or flight supplements to help your body handle/adapt to stress better #highcortisol #fightorflight #adrenalfatigue ♬ original sound – Olivia Hedlund

Other stress-related terms, like “fight-or-flight therapy” (9.8 million posts) and “triggered my fight-or-flight response” (16.4 million posts), are also viral, reflecting a preoccupation with chronic stress (62.8 million posts). Initially describing physical danger responses, “fight or flight” now often refers to emotional situations.

In 2023, “therapy speak” went viral. It was a term referring to the phenomenon of a TikTok population educated in the importance of boundary setting and self-care. They were increasingly cutting off friends and avoiding social situations to “protect their peace”. A study published in The American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine found that feeling socially supported and emotionally connected is a critical factor in health. It could help control blood disorders, maintain a healthy body mass index, decrease cardiovascular mortality, and support mental well-being.

This boundary setting has left many feeling isolated. “Cutting off friends who stress you miss opportunities to resolve issues,” says Burckhardt. Avoiding stressful situations at work or school can also have long-term effects. “You might miss connections and promotions,” he adds. “Completing my PhD was stressful but worth it.”

What To Do Instead Of Trying To Reduce Cortisol:

Dr Riddle says people will always seek solutions for stress. “Stress is unpleasant but doesn’t mean something is medically wrong,” she explains. “People often underestimate their health. They’re exposed to influencers whose primary job is to follow exacting wellness routines.” “Basic access to a healthy diet, shelter, and medical care creates a strong health baseline,” she adds. Our bodies and cortisol levels are resilient.

If you’re feeling chronically stressed, the best thing is to work on psychological tactics for managing that stress. “Interpreting stress as a sign that you’re doing something wrong is flawed and unhelpful,” says Burkhardt.

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Ruby Feneley

After completing a Bachelor of Arts at The University of Sydney (English Literature/Gender and Culture Studies), Ruby started her Australian media career as a media and marketing reporter for Mumbrella after a brief stint working in fashion marketing in New York. An ex-makeup artist, she quickly transitioned to beauty journalism and has held multiple in-house positions as a beauty editor. Ruby’s writing can be found across print and digital titles, including Dazed, GRAZIA, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Australian Financial Review, Body and Soul, Refinery29, POPSUGAR, Marie Claire and ELLE. Now, she loves covering internet subcultures, TikTok trends, sex and relationships and fashion as much as she loves scouring shopping aisles for the best non-sticky lip gloss and tracking down the perfect pencil for a faux freckle.

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Are We Sick Of Stressing About Stress Yet? (2024)


How do you respond properly to stress? ›

10 Ways to Cope with Chronic Stress
  1. Rebalance Work and Home. All work and no play? ...
  2. Get Regular Exercise. ...
  3. Eat Well and Limit Alcohol and Stimulants. ...
  4. Connect with Supportive People. ...
  5. Carve Out Hobby Time. ...
  6. Practice Meditation, Stress Reduction or Yoga. ...
  7. Sleep Enough. ...
  8. Bond with Connections You Enjoy.

Do you feel stressed in your daily life? ›

Everyone has stress. It is a normal part of life. You can feel stress in your body when you have too much to do or when you haven't slept well. You can also feel stress when you worry about things like your job, money, relationships, or a friend or family member who is ill or in crisis.

How does stress affect your daily life? ›

Chronic stress

The longer the stress lasts, the worse it is for both your mind and body. You might feel fatigued, unable to concentrate, or irritable for no good reason, for example. But chronic stress causes wear and tear on your body, too.

Is stress good or bad explain your answer? ›

Good stress is short-term and it inspires and motivates you, focuses your energy and enhances performance. Bad stress, however, is the kind that wears you out, leaves you jittery and is harmful to your health. Bad stress, or distress, can lead to anxiety, confusion, poor concentration and decreased performance.

What are 3 common responses to stress? ›

They include a pounding heart, sweaty palms, and feeling anxious. But you may respond to stress in many other ways too, from feeling irritable to driving recklessly.

What are the 4 responses to stress? ›

Fight, flight or freeze are the three most basic stress responses. They reflect how your body will react to danger. Fawn is the fourth stress response that was identified later. The fight response is your body's way of facing any perceived threat aggressively.

What are 5 warning signs of stress? ›

Warnings signs of stress in adults may include:
  • Crying spells or bursts of anger.
  • Difficulty eating.
  • Losing interest in daily activities.
  • Increasing physical distress symptoms such as headaches or stomach pains.
  • Fatigue.
  • Feeling guilty, helpless, or hopeless.
  • Avoiding family and friends.
Jun 9, 2023

What is the 3-3-3 rule for anxiety? ›

It essentially requires you to identify three things you can see, three things you can hear, and three ways you can move your body. “It's basically a way of distracting yourself from your anxiety by shifting your attention to your senses,” says Aimee Daramus, PsyD, a clinical psychologist at Clarity Clinic, Chicago.

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Symptoms of stress
  • headaches or dizziness.
  • muscle tension or pain.
  • stomach problems.
  • chest pain or a faster heartbeat.
  • sexual problems.

What to say to someone who is stressed? ›

Things that are helpful:
  • “I'm here for you.”
  • “I'm sorry to hear you feel stressed, how can I help?”
  • “Things can get better.”
Jun 2, 2021

How to get rid of stress? ›

From eating chocolate to meditating, there is a quick stress-relieving tactic for everyone.
  1. Breathe. Slow, deep breaths can help lower blood pressure and heart rate. ...
  2. Listen to Music. ...
  3. Take a Quick Walk. ...
  4. Find the Sun. ...
  5. Give Yourself a Hand Massage. ...
  6. Count Backward. ...
  7. Stretch. ...
  8. Rub Your Feet Over a Golf Ball.

What illnesses are caused by stress? ›

Chronic stress is linked to other conditions, both psychological and physical. These can include: Diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, obesity and metabolic syndrome, Type II diabetes, and arthritis.

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Water has been shown to have natural calming properties, likely as a result of addressing dehydration's effects on the body and brain. Drinking enough water is an important step in managing your anxiety. Even if you're not experiencing anxiety, drinking sufficient water can create feelings of relaxation.

Does stress go away? ›

Once the pressure or threat has passed, stress hormones will usually return to normal. But, if you're constantly under stress, these hormones will stay in your body. This can lead to the symptoms of stress. Stress can affect your overall health if it isn't addressed.

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Things that are helpful: “I'm here for you.” “I'm sorry to hear you feel stressed, how can I help?” “Things can get better.”

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Stress that is good for us and may even give us a sense of well-being is eustress, the opposite of distress. The same event—for example, getting married—might provoke either one, Dr. Debar says. "It's about the perception of that stress and how your body is actually handling it," Dr.

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General adaptation syndrome is how your body responds to stress. There are three stages to stress: the alarm stage, the resistance stage and the exhaustion stage.

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How to React to Stress in a Healthy Way
  1. Breathe. Mindful breathing is a helpful way to react to stress. ...
  2. Identify Your Stress Triggers. ...
  3. Move Your Body. ...
  4. Manage Your Calendar. ...
  5. Say No More Often. ...
  6. Look for the Lesson. ...
  7. Limit Your Time With Stressful People. ...
  8. Customize Your Go-to Stress Release.
Aug 10, 2017

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.