Blox Fruits is a popular Roblox game that is still being updated with new weapons, bosses and more. It’s an action-adventure game where you need to decide if you are a pirate or marine (which doesn’t affect anything other than what team you are on) before entering a massive map full of things to discover. As you explore around the map, you will find enemies to battle, NPCs to talk to and shops to purchase from.
Your goal is to become the most powerful user on the map, levelling up and finding fruits that help you in your quest. There are lots of different locations that you can make your way to, but several of them actually require you to be at a specific level to go into. This is to add to the story aspect of the game, which follows anime lore. You can set out in a boat or ship to explore these different islands and follow the storyline, which will allow you to then find new Blox Fruits for you to use. In order to follow this story, you might need a little help to figure out the various locations and understand the NPCs around.
Depending on which team you choose, you will be put on a starter island. The starter island for both the Pirates and Marines has a level requirement of zero to ten. There isn’t much around there that's of particular interest!
You will then want to head to the Northeast, checking out the 13 different landmarks in the first sea.
Blox Fruits First sea map

Starter Island
You will begin at your starter island, depending on which team you choose.
NPCs in the Marine Starter Island:
- 2 Marines Boat Dealers
- 1 Luxury Boat Dealer
- 1 Advanced Marines Boat Dealer
- 1 Blox Fruit Dealer
- 1 Sword Dealer (which sells a Katana and Cutlass for $1000 each)
- Marine Leader with the quest to defeat 5 trainees (your reward is $350 and 250 exp.)
- Trainee (level 5)
- Set Spawn Point NPC
- Pirate Recruiter (in case you want to switch teams)
- Inventory NPC
NPCs in the Pirate Starter Island:
- 2 Boat Dealers
- 1 Luxury Boat Dealer
- 1 Blox Fruit Dealer
- 1 Sword Dealer (which sells a Katana and Cutlass at $100 each)
- Bandit with the quest to defeat 5 Bandits (your reward is $250 and 250 exp)
- Bandit (level 5)
- Set Spawn Point NPC
- Pirate Recruiter (in case you want to switch teams)
- Inventory Tutorial NPC
Travelling North East from the Starter Island Dock, you will get to the Jungle, which requires level 15 to 30 to go onto. This will be the first island you will want to check out.
In this area, there is an NPC Adventurer - a Quest Giver as well as Blox Fruits Dealer Cousin - whom you can try to purchase Blox Fruit from.
Pirate Village
From there, you can visit the Pirate Village by continuing to travel North East from the Jungle Dock. This area requires level 30 to 60.
Pirate Village has a Sword Dealer of the West, who sells Dual Katana and Iron Mace. This area also has the Black Leg Teacher, an NPC that can also be found at Hot and Cold, Second Sea, and Castle on the Sea. They sell a fighting style.
Also read:
- List of Roblox promo codes
- Blox Fruits codes
Near the Sword Dealer, you can find the NPC Rich Man, who is important to the story itself. He is the son of the Sick Man and gives you the quest to beat the Mob Leader.
If you then travel Eastern from the Pirate Village dock, you can find the Desert. This area requires level 60 to 90 to enter.
Middle Town
Going back to the Starter Island, then travelling opposite it, you can reach the Middle Town. This island has a level requirement of 100.
Middle Town has a bunch of different NPCs who sell various items like weapons and hold inventory, as well as sell Blox Fruit. More significantly, one of the NPCs in this area has the quest Dark Blade V2, which is quite powerful. Robotomeg is an NPC you’d be looking for - they are in the house with the green roof. This NPC holds the quest Son Quest for Dark Blade V2. The King Red Head can be found here in the Secret Green Roof House. The Second Sea NPC is also here.
You can also find Xmas NPCs in this area during the holidays.
Frozen Village
If you go back to Starter Island then travel towards the centre of the world, you can find the Frozen Village. This requires level 90 to 120 to enter.
Marine Fortress
Leaving from the Frozen Village, you can go north from the Frozen Village docks to find the Marine Fortress. This area has level requirements of 120 to 150.
Leaving from the Frozen Village Dock, if you go West, you will find the Prison. This area requires level 190 to 275 to enter.
Leaving from the Frozen Village, you can go East from the Frozen Village Dock to find the Colosseum. This area requires level 225 to 300 to enter.
For the Skylands, you will need to have flying spell abilities, then you will need to fly up from the centre of the world to find the floating islands in the sky. You will need to be level 150 to 200 to enter these islands, but there are other areas within these islands that require level 450 to 575.
Magma village
If you go back to the Marine Fortress, you will see the Magma Village as a floating island right behind the Marine Fortress. This area requires level 300 to enter.
Underwater City
Going back to the Frozen village Dock and then travelling South will bring you to the Underwater city! You can find the city’s entrance near the World’s Edge. This area requires level 374 to 450 to enter.
Fountain City
Fountain City can be found right behind the Colosseum on the floating island. Fountain City requires level 625 to 700 to enter.
Once you have discovered everything in the First Sea, you can explore the Second Sea (sometimes called the New World) which contains 10 different landmarks. You will need to complete the quests from the Military Detective NPC in the Prison POI before unlocking this area.
Second Sea map

Kingdom of Rose
Kingdom of Rose is the starting island in the Second Sea. You will need to be level 700 to 850 to access this area.
Here you can find the Aura Editor and the LEgendary Sword Dealer NPCs.
The Cafe is a safe zone inside the Kingdom of Roses. There are a lot of quests that can be found here. Home Point and Bounty/Honor Expert are located here, who can tell you the damage and defense during PvP that you get from your bounty and honor. Y
The Nerd is in this area, who can tell you what buffs are given by the accessories that you are wearing. If you are not wearing anything he will just end the conversation.
Tort will change your rice for 3,000f. You can become human, rabbit, angel or shark, with a 1/3 chance for each. You cannot re-gain the race youcurrently are.
The manager of the cafe is here. When you have become level 850 and have completed the Bartilo quest, he can tell you about the Legendary Sword Dealer while he is spawed. If you have not completed the quest, he will just ask if you are new to the island.
The Customer in the cafe will tell you secrets of the Kingdom of Rose, information about the Swan Glasses, about the Alchemist, and the Fist of Darkness. These clues can help you later in the game.
The Tile Specilists can show you a list of tiles that you have unlocked, which you can select to equpt.
The Awakening expert can get any of your moves back to normal if you have awoken them from any fruit.
The Color Specialist, who is behind the manager in the basement, can offer you the ability to change your aura color.
The mansion contains a NPC and a boss. Trevor wants a physical fruit that has a very high value. You need to be at least level 1000 to get this quest, otherwise Trevor will ask you to leave.
Usoap’s Island
Usoap’s Island is directly behind the Kingdom of Rose POI. This area requires level 700 and above to access the area.
You can find the Alchemist, the Master of Aura and the Legendary Sword Dealer in this area.
Green Zone
If you travel North West from the Kingdom of Roses Dock, you will find the Green Zone. This area needs level 875 to 925 to access.
Graveyard Island
Travelling West from the Kingdom of Roses Dock, you can find the Graveyard. This area requires 950 to 975 to enter.
In the Graveyard Island you can find Rip_indra who can switch your Dark Blade, Crew Captain who sells Crew Slots and the Legendary Sword Dealer who sells swords.
Snow Mountain
If you travel North from the Kingdom of Roses Dock, you can find the Snow Mountain. This area requires levels 1000 to 1050 to access.
In the Snow Mountain, you can find the Martial Arts Master.
Hot and Cold
If you travel North from the Graveyard Dock, you can find an area called Hot and Cold. This area requires level 1100 to 1200 to enter.
In the Hot and Cold, you can find the Master of Auras, the Mysterious Scientist, and the Arithmetic.
Cursed Ship
The Cursed Ship is adjacent to the Graveyard POI on the western edge of the map. This area requires level 1000 to 1325 to enter.
In the Crused Ship you can find Guashiem, El Admin, El Rodolfo, El Perro and Experimic, along with lots of quests.
Dark Arena
If you travel North East from the Kingdom of Roses Dock, you will find the Dark Arena. This area requires level 1000 or greater to enter.
Ice Castle
You can find the Ice Castle by travelling north from the Dark Arena Dock. This area requires level 1350 to 1400 to enter.
In the Ice Castle, you can find Phoeyu the Reformed who can teach you the Death Step fighting style.
Forgotten Island
If you travel North from the Green Zone dock, you can find the Forgotten Island. This area requires level 1425 to 1475 to enter.
Once you have hit level 1500 or higher, you can then explore the 7 islands on the Third Sea.
You can find Daigrock the Sharkman here, he sells the fighting style Sharkman Karate.
Third Sea locations
Port Town
Port Town is the starting island in the Third Sea, which requires level 1500 to 1575 to enter.
In the Port Town, you can find the Blox Fruit Dealer, the Boat Dealer and the Luxury Boat Dealer.
Hydra Island
If you travel North East from the Port Town Dock, you will find Hydra Island. This area requires level 1575 to 1675 to enter.
Great Tree
Great Tree is adjacent to Hydra Island. You can see the island to the West of the Hydra Island Dock. This area requires level 1700 to 1750 to access.
In the Great Tree, you can find the Crew Captain and Master of Auras.
Sea of Treats
If you travel North East from the Great Tree Dock, you will find the Sea of Treats. This area has a level requirement of 2075 to 2275 to access.
Floating Turtle
If you travel towards the north from the west side of the Great Tree, you can find the Floating Turtle. This area requires 1775 to 2000 to enter.
In the Floating Turtle you can find the following NPCs: Citizen, Horned Man, Hungry Man, Previous Hero, The Master of Aura, Pirate Recruiter and Marine Recruiter. Many of these NPCs have quests.
Castle on the Sea
You can find the Castle on the Sea if you travel northwest from the Port Town Dock. This area is a safe area, and does not have a level requirement to access.
There are a lot of NPCs int he Castle on the Sea; Player Hunter, Elite Hunter, Tacomura, Lunoven, Plokster, Butler, Aura Editor, Erin, Mysterious Scientist, Mad Scientist, Phoeyu the Reformed, Dark Step Teacher, Diagrock the Sharkman, Water Kung Fu Teacher, Sabi, Martial Arts Master, Remove Blox Fruit, Boat Dealer and Luxury Boat Dealer.
Haunted Castle
The Haunted Castle is northwest of the Castle on the Sea Dock. This area requires level 1975 to 2075 to access.
In the Haunted Castle you can find the Death King, Uzoth and Gravestone.
And that's the whole Blox Fruits map! We have a few Blox Fruits tipsthat are certainly going to be useful for new players, so you can check those as well.