Fem Sasuke's Secret Crush: A Must-Read Naruto Fanfiction (2024)

Table of Contents
The World of Fanfiction Meet Fem Sasuke A Crush on Naruto? The Unlikely Pair A Love Triangle Shipping Wars The Power of Fanfiction What Would Kishimoto Think? The Future of Fem Sasuke and Naruto In Conclusion Enter Fem Sasuke - A Girl with a Crush and a Mission! Sasuke's inner turmoil: Should she confess her love or throw a shuriken at Naruto's head? From enemy to lover? Sasuke's story is like a bad romantic comedy starring shinobi! Sasuke's battle with gender roles: Can she be a powerful ninja and a lovesick girl at the same time? When love potions fail, resort to stalking: Sasuke's ninja skills come in handy! Naruto's obliviousness reaches new heights: Is he really this dense or just plain stupid? Sakura's reaction to Fem Sasuke's crush: Shock? Disbelief? Or just plain jealousy? Naruto's reaction to Fem Sasuke's confession: Will he run away screaming or confess that he feels the same way? The grand finale: Will Fem Sasuke win Naruto's heart or will this love story end in pain and heartbreak? Fem Sasuke Has A Crush On Naruto Fanfiction The Story of Fem Sasuke's Crush on Naruto The Point of View of Fem Sasuke Fem Sasuke Has A Crush On Naruto Fanfiction: The Unrequited Love We Never Knew We Needed People Also Ask About Fem Sasuke Has A Crush On Naruto Fanfiction What is Fem Sasuke? Does Fem Sasuke have a crush on Naruto? Why does Fem Sasuke have a crush on Naruto? What happens in Fem Sasuke has a crush on Naruto fanfiction? Is Fem Sasuke a popular fanfiction concept? Will we ever see an official Fem Sasuke in the Naruto series? FAQs

Get ready to experience a hilarious twist on the classic Naruto storyline! In this fanfiction, Fem Sasuke finds herself head over heels for none other than the beloved Naruto. Yes, you read that right - Sasuke is a girl in this version of the tale, and her crush on Naruto leads to some seriously entertaining situations.

At first, Sasuke tries to deny her feelings for Naruto. She tells herself that it's just a passing infatuation and that she needs to focus on becoming the strongest ninja possible. But as she spends more time with Naruto and sees his kind heart and unwavering determination, she can't help but fall harder for him.

Of course, Naruto is completely oblivious to Sasuke's crush. He's too busy chasing after his own dreams and trying to protect those he loves to notice Sasuke's longing glances. This leads to some comical misunderstandings, as Sasuke tries to drop hints about her feelings without actually confessing.

Meanwhile, the rest of the ninja world is in chaos. The Akatsuki are on the move, and the fate of the entire shinobi world rests on the shoulders of Naruto and his friends. Sasuke knows that she needs to focus on the mission at hand, but she can't help feeling distracted by her feelings for Naruto.

As the story unfolds, we see Sasuke grow and change in unexpected ways. She learns to open up and trust others, even as she struggles to come to terms with her own emotions. And through it all, she remains fiercely dedicated to her goals - even if those goals now include winning Naruto's heart.

But things aren't always easy for our heroine. She faces challenges both internal and external, from battling her own fears and doubts to facing off against powerful enemies. And through it all, she remains determined to be the best ninja she can be - for herself, for her loved ones, and for Naruto.

If you're a fan of Naruto and love a good laugh, then Fem Sasuke Has A Crush On Naruto Fanfiction is the perfect read for you. This story offers a fresh take on familiar characters and situations, while also delivering plenty of heart and humor. So sit back, relax, and get ready to fall in love with Sasuke - and maybe even with Naruto too.

With its witty writing, endearing characters, and exciting plot twists, this fanfiction is sure to keep you entertained from start to finish. Whether you're a die-hard Naruto fan or just looking for a fun and lighthearted read, Fem Sasuke Has A Crush On Naruto Fanfiction is a must-read for anyone who loves a good story.

So what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Naruto like never before, and discover the hilarious and heartwarming tale of Fem Sasuke Has A Crush On Naruto.

Trust us, you won't be disappointed.

The World of Fanfiction

Fanfiction is a world where fans of a particular show, movie, or book create their own stories involving the characters. It's a place where anything can happen, and writers have the freedom to take the characters in any direction they want. One popular fanfiction trope is gender-bending, where characters are reimagined as a different gender. And that's where Fem Sasuke Has A Crush On Naruto comes in.

Meet Fem Sasuke

In this fanfiction, Sasuke Uchiha from the anime/manga series Naruto has been transformed into a girl. Fem Sasuke is still just as badass as her male counterpart, but she's now dealing with the added pressures of being a girl in a male-dominated world. One thing that hasn't changed, however, is her rivalry with Naruto Uzumaki.

A Crush on Naruto?

Despite her tough exterior, Fem Sasuke has developed a crush on Naruto. Yes, you read that right. The same Naruto who she's spent years trying to beat in battle and prove herself superior to. It's a classic case of enemies-turned-lovers, and it's causing quite a stir in the Naruto fanfiction community.

The Unlikely Pair

Naruto and Sasuke have always had a complicated relationship. From rivals to allies to enemies again, their dynamic has kept fans on the edge of their seats for years. But now, with Fem Sasuke having a crush on Naruto, things have taken a whole new turn. Fans are both intrigued and confused by this unlikely pairing.

A Love Triangle

Of course, no love story is complete without a little bit of drama. Enter Sakura Haruno, Naruto's longtime crush. In this fanfiction, Sakura is still in love with Naruto and is completely oblivious to Fem Sasuke's feelings. This sets up a classic love triangle, with Naruto caught in the middle.

Shipping Wars

As with any fanfiction, there are always fans who ship different pairings. Some are rooting for Naruto and Sakura to finally get together, while others are all about Fem Sasuke and Naruto. The shipping wars are in full swing, with fans passionately defending their favorite pairings.

The Power of Fanfiction

Fanfiction has the power to take characters in new and unexpected directions. It allows writers to explore different aspects of the characters that may not have been touched on in the original source material. In the case of Fem Sasuke Has A Crush On Naruto, it's taking a beloved rivalry and turning it into a romance.

What Would Kishimoto Think?

Of course, not everyone is on board with this fanfiction. Some fans believe that changing the gender of a character goes against the original creator's vision. Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto, has never commented on fanfiction specifically, but it's safe to say that he probably didn't envision his characters in these scenarios.

The Future of Fem Sasuke and Naruto

As with all fanfiction, the future of Fem Sasuke Has A Crush On Naruto is uncertain. Will Fem Sasuke confess her feelings to Naruto? Will Naruto choose between Fem Sasuke and Sakura? Only time will tell. But one thing is for sure - this fanfiction has certainly sparked some interesting conversations among Naruto fans.

In Conclusion

Whether you love it or hate it, Fem Sasuke Has A Crush On Naruto is a prime example of the power of fanfiction. It takes beloved characters and puts them in new and unexpected situations. And who knows - maybe this fanfiction will inspire some fan artists to create some amazing fan art of Fem Sasuke and Naruto! The possibilities are endless.

Enter Fem Sasuke - A Girl with a Crush and a Mission!

It all started when Fem Sasuke, the girl version of our favorite brooding ninja, realized that she had feelings for Naruto. It wasn't just a simple crush either - it was a full-blown, heart-pounding, can't-stop-thinking-about-him kind of love. But Naruto's obliviousness to love is no match for this determined ninja!

Sasuke's inner turmoil: Should she confess her love or throw a shuriken at Naruto's head?

As Sasuke struggled with her newfound feelings, she couldn't help but wonder if confessing her love to Naruto was a good idea. Would he even understand? Or would he just brush it off as another silly joke? The thought of throwing a shuriken at his head seemed much more appealing at times.

From enemy to lover? Sasuke's story is like a bad romantic comedy starring shinobi!

To add to the craziness, Sasuke and Naruto used to be enemies - well, sort of. But now, Sasuke found herself falling for the blonde ninja, and it was all a bit too much to handle. Her story was like a bad romantic comedy starring shinobi, and she couldn't make up her mind whether to laugh or cry.

Sasuke's battle with gender roles: Can she be a powerful ninja and a lovesick girl at the same time?

Sasuke also struggled with the idea of being a powerful ninja and a lovesick girl at the same time. She didn't want to be seen as weak or vulnerable, but at the same time, her heart was racing every time she saw Naruto. It was a battle between her ninja duties and her heart's desires.

When love potions fail, resort to stalking: Sasuke's ninja skills come in handy!

At one point, Sasuke even tried love potions to win Naruto's heart. But when that failed, she resorted to stalking - using her ninja skills to follow him around and observe him from afar. It was a bit creepy, but it was all for love, right?

Naruto's obliviousness reaches new heights: Is he really this dense or just plain stupid?

As Sasuke continued to pine for Naruto, his obliviousness reached new heights. Was he really this dense, or was he just playing dumb? It was hard to tell, but Sasuke couldn't give up just yet.

Sakura's reaction to Fem Sasuke's crush: Shock? Disbelief? Or just plain jealousy?

Sakura, on the other hand, had her own thoughts about Fem Sasuke's crush on Naruto. Was she shocked? Disbelieving? Or just plain jealous? It was hard to tell, but she couldn't deny feeling a bit envious of Sasuke's bravery in confessing her feelings.

Naruto's reaction to Fem Sasuke's confession: Will he run away screaming or confess that he feels the same way?

Finally, the moment came - Sasuke mustered up the courage to confess her love to Naruto. But what would his reaction be? Would he run away screaming, or would he confess that he felt the same way? Sasuke held her breath as Naruto considered her words.

The grand finale: Will Fem Sasuke win Naruto's heart or will this love story end in pain and heartbreak?

In the end, Naruto did confess his feelings for Sasuke - much to her delight. Their love story was like something out of a cheesy romance novel, but it was real, and it was beautiful. Sasuke learned that it was okay to be a powerful ninja and a lovesick girl at the same time, and she found the happiness she had been searching for. It was a grand finale to a love story filled with pain, heartbreak, and ultimately, triumph.

Fem Sasuke Has A Crush On Naruto Fanfiction

The Story of Fem Sasuke's Crush on Naruto

Once upon a time, in the hidden village of Konoha, there was a young girl named Fem Sasuke. She was a skilled ninja, but she had a secret. She had a crush on her teammate, Naruto.

Fem Sasuke tried to hide her feelings, but it was difficult. Every time Naruto did something cute or heroic, she would blush and feel her heart race. She couldn't help but daydream about being with him.

One day, Fem Sasuke decided to confess her feelings to Naruto. She took a deep breath and walked up to him. Naruto, she said, I have something to tell you.

Naruto looked at her with a confused expression. What is it, Sasuke? he asked.

Fem Sasuke took another deep breath. I have a crush on you, she blurted out.

Naruto's eyes widened in surprise. Wow, I didn't see that coming, he said. But I'm flattered.

Fem Sasuke felt relieved and happy. She thought maybe Naruto felt the same way. But then Naruto continued. But, I'm sorry Sasuke. I don't see you that way. You're a great teammate and friend, but I just don't have those kinds of feelings for you.

Fem Sasuke felt her heart break into a million pieces. She had hoped for a different outcome. But she tried to keep her composure. I understand, she said. I just wanted to be honest with you.

After that, things were a little awkward between Fem Sasuke and Naruto. But they still worked together as teammates and continued their friendship.

The Point of View of Fem Sasuke

As Fem Sasuke, I have to say that having a crush on Naruto was both exhilarating and terrifying. It was like a rollercoaster of emotions. I felt like I was constantly on edge, waiting for the perfect moment to confess my feelings.

But looking back on it now, I can laugh at myself a little bit. I mean, Naruto was clueless about my feelings. He had no idea what was going on in my head. And when I finally did confess, he was so surprised.

But even though things didn't turn out the way I wanted them to, I'm glad I took that risk. It was scary to put myself out there like that, but it was also liberating. Now I can move on and focus on being the best ninja I can be.


  • Fem Sasuke
  • Crush
  • Naruto
  • Fanfiction
  • Secret
  • Teammate
  • Confess
  • Friendship
  • Emotions
  • Risk

Fem Sasuke Has A Crush On Naruto Fanfiction: The Unrequited Love We Never Knew We Needed

Well, well, well. Look who stumbled upon this fanfiction about our favorite ninja squad. I bet you're here because you're a die-hard Naruto fan who can't get enough of the characters and their shenanigans, right? Well, you've come to the right place because today we're going to talk about something that will make your heart skip a beat: Fem Sasuke's crush on Naruto.

Yes, you heard it right. In this fanfiction, our beloved Sasuke Uchiha is now a girl, and she's head over heels for our hero, Naruto Uzumaki. It's the unrequited love story we never knew we needed, and boy, does it make for some entertaining reading.

Now, before we dive into the juicy details, let me just warn you that this article is not for the faint of heart. If you're not ready to face the fact that Fem Sasuke is madly in love with Naruto, then you might want to click away now. But if you're brave enough to handle the truth, then let's get started.

First off, let's talk about how this fanfiction came to be. As you may know, fanfiction is a form of creative writing where fans take existing characters and create their own stories around them. In this case, the author took the popular Naruto characters and gave them a new twist by making Sasuke a girl.

Now, you might be wondering why the author decided to do this. Well, it turns out that there's a whole genre of fanfiction called genderbending where authors change the gender of the characters. It's a way to explore different dynamics and relationships between the characters, and it's definitely not for everyone.

But for those who are willing to give it a try, this Fem Sasuke fanfiction is a must-read. The author does an excellent job of staying true to the original characters while also adding new layers to their personalities. For example, we see a softer side of Sasuke as she tries to come to terms with her feelings for Naruto.

Speaking of Naruto, let's talk about how he reacts to Fem Sasuke's crush. At first, he's completely oblivious to her feelings and just sees her as a friend. But as the story progresses, he starts to realize that there's something more going on.

This leads to some hilarious and awkward moments between the two characters. For example, there's a scene where Fem Sasuke tries to confess her love to Naruto, but he just thinks she's joking around. It's cringe-worthy, but also so entertaining to read.

Of course, there are also some serious moments in the story. Fem Sasuke's unrequited love is a source of pain for her, and we see her struggle with her feelings throughout the fanfiction. It's a reminder that even in the world of ninja battles and jutsus, love can be just as complicated and confusing.

So, what's the final verdict on this Fem Sasuke fanfiction? Well, if you're a Naruto fan who's looking for something different and entertaining, then you should definitely give it a try. It's a fun and engaging read that will make you laugh, cringe, and maybe even shed a tear or two.

But if you're someone who's not into fanfiction or genderbending, then that's okay too. The beauty of fandom is that there's something for everyone, and you're free to enjoy whatever aspects of it you like.

With that said, I hope you had fun reading about Fem Sasuke's crush on Naruto. It's a fanfiction that's sure to leave an impression on you, whether you love it or hate it. Until next time, fellow Naruto fans!

People Also Ask About Fem Sasuke Has A Crush On Naruto Fanfiction

What is Fem Sasuke?

Fem Sasuke is a fanfiction concept where the character Sasuke from the anime/manga series Naruto is gender-swapped and presented as female.

Does Fem Sasuke have a crush on Naruto?

Yes, in some fanfictions, Fem Sasuke is portrayed as having a crush on Naruto.

Why does Fem Sasuke have a crush on Naruto?

Well, who wouldn't have a crush on Naruto? He's charming, brave, and has an infectious personality. Plus, he's pretty easy on the eyes.

What happens in Fem Sasuke has a crush on Naruto fanfiction?

  • Firstly, there's a lot of blushing and awkward moments whenever Fem Sasuke is around Naruto.
  • She might start to act differently around him, becoming more shy or nervous.
  • There could also be some jealousy thrown in when other girls show interest in Naruto.
  • The story might explore how Naruto feels about Fem Sasuke and whether or not he returns her feelings.
  • Of course, there's always the possibility of some steamy romance scenes!

Is Fem Sasuke a popular fanfiction concept?

Yes, it's definitely one of the more popular gender-bending fanfiction concepts out there. Fans love seeing their favorite characters in new and unexpected ways, and Fem Sasuke certainly fits the bill!

Will we ever see an official Fem Sasuke in the Naruto series?

It's highly unlikely, but you never know what could happen. Maybe the creators of Naruto will decide to shake things up and introduce a female version of Sasuke. Until then, we'll just have to stick with fanfiction!

Fem Sasuke's Secret Crush: A Must-Read Naruto Fanfiction (2024)


Who is Sasuke's real crush? ›

Throughout the story, fans can see the deep bond between Sasuke and Sakura grow stronger. Sasuke realizes that he has always had feelings for Sakura, and Sakura finally realizes that Sasuke's wedding ring was not just a gift, but a symbol of his love for her.

Does Sasuke like Naruto as a crush? ›

So, Yeah, Sasuke has Romantic Feelings for Naruto with more emotional attraction and a sure but subtle physical attraction.

Does Sasuke really love Naruto? ›

Yes he does! Sasuke and Naruto were actually supposed to get together, but the editors didn't allow it. And same sex couple weren't exactly acceptable back then. Still, the creator decided to put in some easter eggs like when they kissed three times.

What does Naruto have a crush on? ›

Yes, Naruto did have feelings for both Hinata and Sakura at one point. He had a schoolboy crush on Sakura since they were in the academy, but his feelings for Hinata were more complex.

Who pushed Naruto to kiss Sasuke? ›

Personality. Tobio appears to be somewhat clumsy as seen when he knocked Naruto into Sasuke on two different occasions. He also seems to not notice the things he does right away but is quick to apologise.

Which girl loves Sasuke? ›

Aside from Sakura, Sarada, Mikoto, and Karin, every other girl has a shallow crush on Sasuke because he's physically attractive, and that's not at all the same thing as love.

Did Sasuke think Naruto kissed him on purpose? ›

Sasuke doesn't see Naruto as a brother(thinks Naruto kissed him on purpose. Source: data book), his face every time Naruto claims they're brothers says it all(he gets mad).

Is Naruto more attractive than Sasuke? ›

Naruto is canonically more handsome than Sasuke thanks to his trademark jutsu: If Sakura, the lovestruck girl who was outright obsessed with Sasuke for almost 2 decades got wet at the sight of Naruto's power pol...

Who is obsessed with Sasuke? ›

Why was Naruto obsessed with Sasuke? Because they were both loners. Naruto never had family and Sasuke lost his whole clan at young age.

Why did Sasuke cry at the end? ›

Sasuke cried because of Naruto's reason that he was his friend. During and after Sasuke's departure, one of Naruto's consistent reasons for pursuing Sasuke was that he considered him a friend.

Why didn't Sasuke go to Naruto's wedding? ›

Naruto never turns his back on Sasuke. At the end of the Fourth Great Shinobi War, Sasuke and Naruto share one final battle, resulting in Sasuke finally acknowledging their friendship. Although the two make amends and Sasuke is forgiven, he feels he must atone for his actions, and therefore misses Naruto's wedding.

Does Sasuke kiss Naruto? ›

Of course, Naruto fans know what happened next. Someone accidentally bumps Naruto into Sasuke, creating the infamous NaruSasu Kiss. Both boys were angry and embarrassed, but there's a bit more trivia. In an old data book, Sasuke actually believed that Naruto kissed him out of genuine, romantic feelings.

Who first kissed Naruto girl? ›

Isarabi is the first girl to kiss Naruto | Fandom.

Who is Naruto's favorite girl? ›

While Naruto was primarily focused on Sakura, fans remained hopeful throughout the years that his final romantic interest would be Hinata instead. Their prayers were answered when she finally managed to confess her feelings in both the Pain Invasion arc and the Fourth Shinobi War.

Who is Kakashi's crush? ›

Yeah he has one..not Rin (he cared for her as a friend, she was obito's girl).. the girl's name is Hanare and he clearly had feelings for her. That was the first time i saw Kakashi interested in a woman.. She loved him and he did too.

Who is Sakura's crush? ›

From the beginning of Naruto, it is clear that Sakura has a crush on Sasuke. Sakura is just one of many girls that are interested in her classmate. Sasuke did not care about the attention he got from girls, but it seemed like their interest in him just continued to grow.

Who is Sasuke's real wife? ›

Before leaving, he says farewell to both Sakura and Naruto with gratitude. By the end of the manga, having briefly returned to the village, Sasuke is revealed to have married Sakura who is raising their daughter Sarada.

Who was Itachi's crush? ›

Itachi did come to love Izumi. His love for her wouldn't save her when he was ordered to wipe out the entire clan. Despite not officially being an Uchiha, Itachi would be forced to kill her too.

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.