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Cardiology - Cardiovascular Disease
At least One Location Accepting New Patients Accepting/Not Accepting New Patients Information
Not Provided
Book Appointment
Education Education Information
Emory Univ Sch Of MedAtlanta, 2011
Not Provided
Not Provided
Cardiology - Cardiovascular Disease
Cultural Competency
Not Provided
LocationsLocations Information
Open a location dialog with the map focused on the address: 2545 Lawrenceville Hwy, Decatur, GA 30033
Anjan . Deka,MD
2545 Lawrenceville Hwy, Decatur, GA 30033
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Call 770-934-7876
Accepting New Patients
Open a location dialog with the map focused on the address: 308 Coliseum Dr, Macon, GA 31217
Anjan . Deka,MD
308 Coliseum Dr, Macon, GA 31217
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
This location is not currently accepting new patients. Please call 770-496-5555 for next availability.
Not Accepting New Patients
Open a location dialog with the map focused on the address: 470 Northside Cherokee Blvd, Canton, GA 30115
Anjan . Deka,MD
470 Northside Cherokee Blvd, Canton, GA 30115
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Call 770-721-9050
Accepting New Patients
Open a location dialog with the map focused on the address: 960 Woodstock Pkwy, Woodstock, GA 30188
Anjan . Deka,MD
960 Woodstock Pkwy, Woodstock, GA 30188
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Call 770-292-6500
Accepting New Patients
Open a location dialog with the map focused on the address: 460 Northside Cherokee Blvd, Canton, GA 30115
Anjan . Deka,MD
460 Northside Cherokee Blvd, Canton, GA 30115
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Call 470-639-6250
Accepting New Patients
Open a location dialog with the map focused on the address: 320 Hospital Rd, Canton, GA 30114
Anjan . Deka,MD
320 Hospital Rd, Canton, GA 30114
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Call 770-479-5535
Accepting New Patients
Open a location dialog with the map focused on the address: 1505 Northside Forsyth Dr # 3600, Cumming, GA 30041
Anjan . Deka,MD
1505 Northside Forsyth Dr # 3600, Cumming, GA 30041
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
This location is not currently accepting new patients. Please call 770-343-8565 for next availability.
Not Accepting New Patients
Open a location dialog with the map focused on the address: 2712 Lawrenceville Hwy, Decatur, GA 30033
Anjan . Deka,MD
2712 Lawrenceville Hwy, Decatur, GA 30033
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
This location is not currently accepting new patients. Please call 770-496-5555 for next availability.
Not Accepting New Patients
Open a location dialog with the map focused on the address: 1000 Johnson Ferry Rd, Atlanta, GA 30342
Anjan . Deka,MD
1000 Johnson Ferry Rd, Atlanta, GA 30342
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Call 404-851-8000
Accepting New Patients
Open a location dialog with the map focused on the address: 900 Towne Lake Pkwy, Woodstock, GA 30189
Anjan . Deka,MD
900 Towne Lake Pkwy, Woodstock, GA 30189
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
This location is not currently accepting new patients. Please call 770-924-5095 for next availability.
Not Accepting New Patients
Patient Ratings
Providence makes every effort to ensure that this list of providers is up to date and accurate. Information listed in this directory is not guaranteed and may be subject to change without notice. Revisions to this directory may not be made immediately. For the most up-to-date information, please verify that the provider you have selected is covered by your plan. You may do this by contacting customer service at 800-878-4445 or by calling the provider prior to scheduling an appointment to verify that he or she is covered by your plan and is accepting new patients.
To report information you believe to be listed inaccurately in the provider directory, please call 800-878-4445, send an email to or login to your myProvidence account and use the secure chat feature. Please be sure to have the provider(s) and/or facility name, location and description of the error available.
Practitioners and hospitals in the Providence Health Plan networks must meet Providence Health Plan credentialing requirements. Providence Health Plan does not currently use specific quality measures, member experience measures, patient safety measures or cost-related measures to determine our networks, including our Marketplace networks.
Important Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Information
Carrier discipline findings by WA OIC for failure to meet access standards: None issued to date
Plan enrollees may file a complaint with the Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner by calling the commissioner's toll-free insurance consumer hotline at 1- 800-562-6900 or
For information concerning any disciplinary action or malpractice history for Washington providers, please use this link:
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Accepting/Not Accepting New Patients Information
This information is used in helping you understand which providers are currently accepting or not accepting new patients. This information is self-reported by the provider and the accuracy and frequency of its update is subject to the provider’s input. To verify whether a provider is accepting new patients, contact the provider’s office directly. End of dialogue content.Return to Content
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Telehealth Visits
Please contact your provider's office directly to learn more about the video, text, and/or audio services they offer and to schedule an appointment. End of dialogue content.Return to Content
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Name Information
Providers’ full names are reviewed during the credentialing process when a provider first joins the health plan and every three years after.
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National Provider Identifier (NPI)
NPI number is for provider identification purposes only, not to be used for claims payment.
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Language Information
All providers are assumed to speak English. Some providers are fluent in other languages as well. If a provider has another language listed it means the provider speaks the language(s) listed. The provider’s office self-reports this information and it is as current as the last report. The information accuracy is subject to the provider’s input.
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Gender Information
Gender information is submitted when a provider joins the health plan and every three years thereafter. This information is furnished by the provider and the accuracy is subject to the provider’s input.
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Education Information
The health plan checks provider education and training during the initial credentialing process. This includes verification of:
1. Graduation from medical or professional school
2. Residency, if appropriate
3. Board certification, if appropriate
The following may be used to verify training and education:
- Sealed transcripts
- Medical school
- Podiatry school
- Professional school
- Medical specialty board
- State licensing agency
- AMA Physician Masterfile
- AOA Official Osteopathic Physician Profile Report
- Commission on Dental Accreditation, podiatry school
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Board Certification Information
Board certification is an extra step many doctors chose to take. To become board certified, a doctor must complete the necessary educational requirements and a residency training in their specialty, pass an exam, and meet all the requirements established by their specialty board. A doctor that has a board certification listed is certified or approved by that medical specialty board.
Board certifications are verified with one of the following:
- American Board of Medical Specialties
- American Osteopathic Association
- American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery
- American Board of Podiatric Orthopedics
The health plan verifies a provider’s board certification when the provider first contracts with the health plan and every three years following. Board certification is verified through the sources listed above. No other certifications are verified. Information is as accurate as of the date the provider was last credentialed.
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Hospital Affiliation Information
If a provider has a hospital listed it means they are on the medical staff of that hospital and have the ability to treat you and other patients at that hospital. The information is self-reported by the provider and the accuracy is subject to the provider’s input.
Hospital affiliation participation details are received during the provider credentialing process when they join the health plan and every three years thereafter. The information is as accurate as the last credentialing cycle performed for the provider.
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Specialties Information
If a provider has a specialty listed it means the provider has completed education and training in a specific area of medicine. Examples of specialties include Cardiology, Dermatology, Family Practice, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine. Providers are trained in fields of medicine that focus on a range of services, procedures, body systems or patients. The provider self-reports his/her specialty information and the health plan further verifies by their board certification status or licensing board. Provider specialties are reviewed by the health plan during the credentialing process when a provider first joins the health plan and every three years after. The information is as accurate as the last credentialing cycle completed for the provider.
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Locations Information
Medical Group Affiliation
If a provider has a clinic or group listed it means they are a part of that medical group which includes two or more providers. The health plan may contract with the individual provider or the group. The provider’s office self-reports this information and it is as current as the last report. The information accuracy is subject to the provider’s input.
Office Location
This is the street address and phone number of the provider. The information is provided when they join the health plan and every three years thereafter. The provider’s office self-reports this information and it is as current as the last report. The information accuracy is subject to the provider’s input.
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Languages Spoken by Clinic Staff
All clinic staff are assumed to speak English. Some clinic staff members are fluent in other languages as well. If a provider has another language spoken by clinic staff listed it means that someone with in the provider’s clinic staff speaks the language(s) listed. The provider’s office self-reports this information and it is as current as the last report. The information accuracy is subject to the provider’s input.
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